Friday, May 27, 2011

Fefe Dobson - Joy

Joy is the third studio album by the Canadian singer-songwritter FefeDobson. It was released on November 22 and had the singles Ghost, Stuttering and Can't Breathe. The album was good recieved by the critics. I never had interest in her, but I listened one of her new songs on a TV show and I fell in love.


01. Intro
02. Ghost
03. Thanks For Nothing
04. Stuttering
05. Can't Breathe
06. You Bitch
07. Didn't See You Coming
08. Watch Me Move
09. I Want You
10. I'm A Lady
11. In Your Touch
12. Set Me Free
13. Joy
14. I Made Out With Your Boyfriend
15. Johnny Cash
16. Black Haired Boy
17. Rockstar

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